How Long Does It Take for a Router to Reset

Resetting a router often means that the Internet connection afterward will be smoother, faster, and stronger, while if issues exist, they will all be gone. Rebooting this device is wise if you want to keep it running more smoothly and quickly than ever before. 

Many people don’t have experience resetting a router, so if you are one of them and interested in how long does it take for a router to reset, you can find the most accurate answers to your concern below in the following article. So, let’s get started and discover more about resetting the router!

How Long Does It Take for a Router to Reset

How Long Does It Take for a Router to Reset

Depending on the brand and a device’s performance, resetting a Wi-Fi router can take from 30 seconds to two minutes of your time. That way, your router will be reset on the factory default settings, and its work afterward will be smoother and noticeably faster. Let’s discover more!

Restarting a Wi-Fi router often means the system is refreshed, and some obstacles will be gone for some time. Many people reset the entire system and regenerate the router to work better afterward. 

A Wi-Fi router is smart to reset it when nothing is left to do, or rebooting doesn’t help in the long term. The resetting process often takes several seconds or one or two minutes, depending on your device type and performance. Moreover, the problem that causes a need to reset the router can also be a factor that determines the duration of the reset process.

For some routers, it may take several seconds, but for some, it takes up to two minutes, depending on how they will choose to reset their Wi-Fi router. Therefore, every router is different, and we cannot say the exact time you will need but rather the approximate. 

Individuals interested in resetting their internet device should know two possible ways to reset a router. At the same time, these two alternatives may take different times to clean the Wi-Fi device completely. Now, let’s see some possible ways how you can reset your router; thus, they are:

Resetting a router from the configuration page

Resetting a router device from a configuration page is one of the most common ways to clean up the router and provide a better and more stable internet connection afterward. You only need to type your router’s IP address into the browser’s search field, enter the username and password and go to the System Tools. 

Afterward, there is an option for Factory Default, while clicking the Reset button is all you have to choose for a fast and straightforward process. It is also good to know that this reset will take only a few seconds of your time.

Resetting a router by using the 30-30-30 method

One of the best ways to reset your Wi-Fi router device is to choose the 30-30-30 method, which is a popular method for resetting these devices. This process involves not turning the router off but just inserting the paper clip in the reset button hole and holding it for about 30 seconds.

After disconnecting your router device from the power cord and modem, you should wait for another 30 seconds without releasing the button for reset. While you hold down the reset button, connect your power cable to your router and hold on to the controller for another 30 seconds.

The entire process takes one minute and 30 seconds, and the results are always positive. Moreover, you should always know that resetting your router will take only two minutes of your time in general, but it may also occur for the older router devices to take up to ten minutes in some cases, which is rare.

How Often Should People Reset Their Wi-Fi Routers

How Often Should People Reset Their Wi-Fi Routers

Most people are familiar with resetting their routers, fixing their network, and technical issues, and most of the time, they try to do it to fix some connectivity issues.

Resetting a router can also benefit the memory and maintain a stable internet connection afterward. At the same time, it can always fix all technical issues and challenges your router faces in the long term.

Resetting your router is a great way to prevent malware attempts and other related problems. Many tech experts recommend resetting your Wi-Fi router every two months. 

If resetting is a thing you can’t always keep in mind and you forget about cleaning your router device, it is not the end of the world. This way, you will only help your router stay healthy and perform smoothly and effectively.

People should also be completely aware that if their routers are on their last legs, there is nothing efficient to do to save them. Neither will reset help in those situations. The best option is to purchase a new and efficient router with durable and long-term efficient work for a stable and faster Wi-Fi connection.

Read more: How Often Should You Reset Your Router


Well, we have come to the very end of this short article. We know that each of you comprehends the importance of the internet connection nowadays. You can’t imagine your life without social media platforms, while millions worldwide earn a regular monthly income by working remotely over the Internet; thus, it is crucial to have stable internet connection all the time.

From then on, a stable and fast Wi-Fi connection is always necessary. But how can you maintain the good health of your router if you are not helping it directly with system cleanliness?

We are confident that this article has helped you to understand how long does it take for a router to reset and all the other important factors and ways to do that process efficiently. 

Maintain the health of your Wi-Fi router and keep your device clean and clear of many unpredictable factors that can ruin a stable internet connection. Enjoy your best cyber time with stable and fast Wi-Fi!

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