Why Does My Wi-Fi Say Weak Security?

Getting a message that your security is weak can be a little scary, especially if your job depends on the network and you have many important files you don’t like sharing with the world. 

Folks asking, “why does my Wi-Fi say Weak Security?” usually have the following questions as well – do I need to run a virus scan? Is my network compromised? Don’t panic; we will address every inquiry in our article. The Weak Security message is a very common issue and means that nothing is compromised. You can solve the problem easily by following the steps in our article. 

Why Does My Wi-Fi Say Weak Security

Wi-Fi Says “Weak Security” – Why? 

The Wi-Fi sends a “Weak Security” message when the router uses old security protocols such as WPA or WEP. To solve this issue, you can open the router’s settings with your web browser’s help and upgrade the wireless security version to WPA2 and WPA3. In addition, to not receive the message again, you will have to set the encryption method to AES instead of “Automatic” encryption. You are all done; the Weak Security message will no longer appear. 

Why does the Wi-Fi send a “Weak Security” message? 

If your laptop or phone detects that the Wi-Fi you are connected to uses an older or, let’s say, outdated security protocol, it sends a Weak Security message. The connection reads the older protocol as fragile and not fully secure. 

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access and WEP Wireless Equivalent Privacy are the two most common examples of less secure wireless networks. They are considered unsafe because the passwords they require can only be a couple of characters, and their encryption method can be easily breached.

iOS added a new feature to identify improperly configured routers in the iOS 14 update. With newer phones, especially iPhones, you will most likely receive a Weak Security message if you connect to an older security protocol. You can solve the issue by upgrading the protocol to WPA2 or WPA3

Should you be concerned? 

Receiving this message is not something to worry about. If you receive a Weak Security message, your wireless network is not the latest one, and you can have much more secure passwords and protocols. 

In fact, the message is just a warning and does not mean that there have been any data breaches or that the network has been hacked. You can continue to use the Weak Security wireless, and the internet will perform as usual. However, we don’t recommend doing that; you should immediately upgrade the security protocols. 

How to Update the Security Protocol to WPA2 or WPA3

To fix your Wi-Fi’s Weak Security, you must access your router’s settings with your chosen web browser and upgrade the security protocol. There are many approaches that you can take for this operation. 

The easiest route would be to find the Wi-Fi network list on your phone and tap the information icon next to it. You can see the actual numbers of your router’s IP address. 

The next step is to enter the same IP address into a computer to make configuring the router much easier. Doing everything on a mobile device can be a little challenging. 

Once on the router login page, sign in with your username and password. If you have never set up a username or password on the router, usually, you can find the default credentials printed on the physical router. 

If your router is out of reach and placed in the attic, you can research the model online to acquire the default passwords. 

Updating the security protocol

Updating the security protocol

Firstly, every router or network device has a distinct settings panel, so keep in mind that despite having the same features, depending on the model, they might be in different locations. After successfully logging into the router, find the Wireless Settings menu, which will display all the current settings of the Wi-Fi, including SSID name, encryption method, security, and more. 

Change the security type to WPA2 or WPA3 to not receive the message for Weak Security. If you have a specific router model, you may be asked another question about WPA – Personal or Business. We advise you to select “Personal”. Lastly, set the AES as your default encryption mode. 

The operation does not require you to change the router’s password afterward, but it is definitely a possibility. After saving the settings, the router should automatically restart. After one minute, you can use the wireless connection without worrying and asking your friends – why does my Wi-Fi say Weak Security?

If you have two networks such as 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, make sure that you change the security protocol on both of them. 

Read more: How to Control Devices Connected to Your WiFi

Wi-Fi Reconnection

Changing the security settings of the wireless means that every device previously connected to the network has to reconnect. The phones or devices that reconnect automatically will likely still show the “Weak Security” message. Therefore, we recommend you manually select “Forget Network” in the Wi-Fi menu and reconnect again to apply the newly changed settings. 

What If the Router Does Not Support Protocol Updates?

The routers manufactured before 2004 might not support any security protocol update, and WPA2 and WPA3 are out of the question. If you receive a message that your security is weak, you have two options:

In case your router cannot operate on WPA2 or WPA3, we recommend that you buy a new one. This way, you can have many more security features and improve your connection speed. 

Tips to Make Your Network and Router More Secure 

Beyond updating your router’s security protocol, you can take several additional steps to protect your network. Although we mentioned some of them previously in the article, the best things you can do to protect your network are:

  • Set a tricky Wi-Fi password with many numbers and letters
  • Change the username and password on your router
  • Purchase a new and trendy router that has more security features


Our article provided an easy solution to people who wondered why does my Wi-Fi say Weak Security. Solving the Weak Security message is easy and only requires a protocol update. Plus, we included a step-by-step guide on changing the security protocol with some additional tips that can enhance your network.

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