How to Enable UPnP on Router

Concerning wireless and UPnP, it all comes down to convenience or security. Universal Plug and Play can help you quickly connect devices to your network and does not require manual configuration. The devices with UPnP can automatically discover other registered devices on the network. 

However, to make the most out of this feature, you must take some actions to protect yourself from malicious activities on your network. Let’s talk about how to enable UPnP on router and why!

How to Enable UPnP on Router

How to Enable UPnP on Router

To enable UPnP on a router, you need to head into the settings of the network device by using power, firmware, or a dedicated mobile device app. 

After successfully logging in with your admin credentials, find the UPnP settings and enable the feature. Make sure that you save your changes afterward. If you like to disable the feature, you can do the same. 

Furthermore, UPnP stands for Universal Plug and Play. When enabled, your router will automatically find and allow other UPnP devices to connect and forward ports quickly, eventually saving you a lot of hassle.

Detailed Guide

The process of enabling the UPnP, just like learning how to remotely turn off Wi-Fi, block the MAC address, and ping a device, depends on the exact model of the router. 

The good news is that all the steps are straightforward in every scenario, and each device has the same features but maybe in a different place. 

Therefore, follow our guide with full attention, and we are confident that regardless of your model, in the end, you will know how to enable UPnP on router. 

Before we go any further, something crucial before turning the UPnP on is to ensure that all your network’s security features are on point. If necessary, change the network name and password. Enabling this feature may bring many harmful activities, and you can easily become a target of a hacker.

Accessing the UPnP on the router 

Universal Plug and Play is a protocol that permits devices and apps on your network to open and close ports and connect automatically. For instance, If you like to connect a printer to each person in your household, the UPnP can save you a lot of time, and you would only need to do the process once. The operation is fully automated and requires zero manual configuration.

The devices that have enabled UPnP can join a network automatically, obtain an IP address and make finding and connecting other devices to your network much more convenient. To enable this feature, you must access the settings of your router.

Step 1

First, you must ensure your wireless network is working properly. The router should transmit a clean signal and be plugged into a modem via an Ethernet cable. 

To check the strength of the connection, we recommend using a computer or a mobile device. Plus, you can see which ports are open at the back of the device and which don’t have an Ethernet cable plugged in. 

Step 2

A web browser will be the best option to access the router’s settings. The UPnP feature is found on the admin control. Some routers require an entirely different process for accessing the settings page. If you have any trouble, try a quick web search and follow the instructions on how to do it.

Step 3

In many scenarios, you can do the process by inputting the public IP address of the router or the static IP address into the web browser’s bar. You can take many roads to do this, like opening up firmware or using a mobile app that the manufacturer of your Wi-Fi device provides.

Step 4

Once you are in your router’s settings or admin panel, poke around and look for the advanced or UPnP settings. Once you find the correct option, click ‘Enable’ and turn on the Universal Plug and Play feature. Make sure your changes are saved and restart the router if necessary. 

Read more: How to Enable IPV6 on Router

Why Should You Enable UPnP?

Universal Plug and Play has many benefits, and people mainly look to enable it on their router for efficiency and internet speed. 

When UPnP is enabled, your router assumes the best for every connected device in your network; therefore, it automatically forwards the port and saves you a lot of time. 

Enabling the UPnP is a great way to increase your overall connection experience if you don’t have any programs filled with malware or viruses. 

In addition, the UPnP speeds up the setup process of the device’s software, for instance, gaming consoles. Instead of entering the router’s settings every time you like to enable the port so that your PlayStation can go only, UPnP allows the PS to communicate with the router directly. 

Something to be careful about is that harmful and malicious software can easily run its destructive code when your UPnP is turned on. For example, a compromised computer can disguise itself as another device and send a request to your router, which will automatically open. This can open a tunnel for malware transfer, and your information may be stolen.

Also read: How to Control Devices Connected to Your WiFi

UPnP Usage

The Universal Plug and Play feature is used for many things, such as:

  • Gaming – It connects the PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or other gaming consoles more easily so that they can stream online games. 
  • Remote Home Surveillance – Using the UPnP feature, you can easily connect your home cameras while you are at work or absent for a long period, like during a vacation. 
  • Echo dots or other digital home assistants.
  • Internet things and devices for wireless automation at home, like smart lighting, thermostats controlled over the internet, smart locks, etc. 
  • Streaming content with the help of a media server.
  • Streaming videos through devices like Apple TV, Netflix, or HBO


After carefully reading our article, you can better understand the feature and how to enable UPnP on the router. Despite our guide for accessing the router’s settings, we explained what to be careful about, how to use UPnP, and why you should enable it first. 

If you have some safety concerns about your network, you can try an alternative solution: manually forwarding ports on your router.

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