How to Reset Modem

As resetting your modem is usually the quickest and easiest fix for many issues that the modem itself might present, it is not always smart to just press the reset button over and over again, as you can do great harm to the modem itself.

Therefore, ensure to read this article until the end and find out how to reset modem in a safe and quick way so that after resetting, your device works as brand new.

How to Reset Modem

How to Reset Modem

Before we head on to how to reset a modem, we would like to point out a few essential things regarding the resetting process.

First and foremost, before you go on and reset your modem, you need to be aware that doing that will restore your modem to factory settings, meaning all of your customized and adjusted settings will be set to the way they were when you got the modem. The customized settings that usually get delighted with resetting the model are the WiFi settings, static IP address setup, DHCP settings, personalized password, DNS, etc.

That being said, if you indeed have customized and adjusted settings according to your preferences, you may back up your settings before you reset the modem, and then once the reset process is done and complete, you can safely restore them.

Finally, as there are two methods to reset the modem, we will take a look at both by sharing step-by-step and straightforward instructions so that anyone can complete them regardless of technical knowledge and experience.

How to reset modem with the help of user settings

The first method to reset the modem is with the help of user settings. Keep in mind that this method is much safer and secure and that before trying the second method, you should always start with this one. By following our simple instructions carefully, you will be able to reset the modem in no time, and most importantly, you will not need any IT assistance. 

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Open your modem’s web page and log in

  1. First, you will need to ensure that you have a device such as a tablet or a computer connected to the internet. The connection to the internet needs to be by using an Ethernet cable or through a WiFi connection.
  2. Next, you are required to open your browser and, in the search bar, type the IP address of your modem. If you are unsure how to find it, you can look for it on the modem’s label or in the manual that came with it. You can also find it by going to Network settings on your device and searching it under the Gateway section.
  3. After successfully opening the modem’s settings interface, also known as Modem GUI, you will need to log in to this interface by using the admin username and password that your Internet service provider assigned you when you were purchasing your router. If you can not find them, contact your Internet service provider, as they will have the information you need. 

Remember that these credentials are different from your wireless network’s name or the SSID and your WiFi password (security key).

Read more: How to Reset a Netgear Extender

Open the modem settings and factory reset it

Open the modem settings and factory reset it

  1. Next, after successfully accessing the modem’s interface website and logging in, go through the settings in the Main Menu and select the “Utilities” icon.
  2. Then, from the menu on the left side, select the “Restore Defaults” option and after doing that, click on the “Restore Modem to Factory Default State” option. If you are an advanced user, you might want to restore only a subset of the offered settings here, such as PPP credentials, wireless settings, admin settings, etc.
  3. After clicking on the “Restore Modem to Factory Default State”, you will need to wait for about three to five minutes, depending on the model of the modem you have, until the modem finishes the factory reset.
  4. When the factory reset is done, the power light on the modem will turn orange, and you will be required to go through the entire modem activation process as if this is the first time you are setting up your modem for work. 

You will probably be asked to provide your account login information so you can configure your modem and prepare it to function again.

Also read: How Often Should You Reset Your Router

Connect all your devices to the modem again

  1. The moment the Internet light turns green, it means that the process of resetting and logging in was successful and that you can access the Internet.
  2. Finally, the last thing you will need to remember is that all devices previously connected to your modem will be removed. You will need to connect them to the modem again by selecting your network and entering the password of your WiFi network.

How to reset modem manually with the help of the reset button

Resetting your modem manually with the help of the reset button is a good way to do it quicker, but it’s less safe. That being said, let’s continue with the instructions.

  1. While your modem is still plugged in, press the reset button using a toothpick or pen tip until you hear a slight click. Hold the button in for about ten seconds.
  2. When the power light turns an orange or amber color, release the button because if you hold it for longer than 15 seconds, the light will turn red, and your modem will reboot.
  3. Wait three to five minutes, depending on the model of your modem, until the factory reset is done and completed.
  4. After the reset process is done, the power light will turn orange again, and you will be required to go through the modem activation process just as if you were setting up your modem for the first time. You will need to enter the account login information so that you can proceed and configure your modem.
  5. Finally, once the green light turns, you will be able to connect to the Internet again, and all of your previously connected devices will need to be connected to your WiFi network as well.


In this article, you could have read the two methods on how to reset modem within a few minutes. Thanks to our specific and in-depth instructions, from now on, you will be able to reset your modem by yourself whenever you feel the need for it.

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