Which Is Better 2.4 Ghz or 5GHZ?

Some routers have two bands, emitting two WiFi waves with different wavelengths. Other routers have an automatic switch, and many people do not even know that the router has two bands with different waves.

Well, now you know that we use two wavelengths for working online, but when is best to use the 2.4 GHz band, and when is the 5 GHz? It is not hard to understand because the difference is in their bandwidth and range.

This article will compare and explain which is better 2.4 GHz or 5GHz depending on what you need it for.

Which is better 2.4 GHz or 5GHz

Which Is Better 2.4 GHz or 5GHz Band?

Both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are suitable for different purposes. The 2.4 GHz provides a longer and better range, while the 5 GHz is more focused on speed and maximizes the network performance. The 5 GHz band is excellent for watching movies, while the 2.4 GHz is ideal for web research and work.

If you have a dual-band WiFi router, the network interference will be drastically decreased. It is best to have separate network bands for different purposes so that no one in the home will face internet speed and connection issues or connection loss.

The 2.4 GHz band was the older routers’ first and only band. This made a lot of mess with the network because its wavelength could not deliver quality WiFi to all connected devices.

Before choosing which band you will use, determine the purpose of using WiFi and the size of your home. You would not need a 5 GHz band if you live in a small house and use only smaller devices.

No precise answer points out only one WiFi frequency because both are good for different purposes and have advantages and disadvantages.

Related: How to Increase Bandwidth

How to choose the right WiFi frequency

If you do not know which frequency will be best for your purpose, you should determine a few things.

Coverage area

What is the size of your home or building you will use the WiFi? Larger areas require better coverage, which you can obtain from the 2.4 GHz frequency. This frequency has a larger coverage area and can please every network user with a stable connection. But, it may often get crowded and interrupt the speed.

The 5 GHz frequency is excellent for apartments and smaller homes. This WiFi frequency is best for smaller places because it has a smaller coverage area and prevents neighbors’ network interference. Plus, you will have excellent speed.


The wavelength of 2.4 GHz is much larger and can quickly get through walls. You can use this WiFi frequency in the entire house because its wave size does not see the house walls as an obstacle for passing through.

But, other devices in the household use the same frequency, which may lead to interference and network interruption.

On the other hand, the 5 GHz frequency does not interfere with household devices like microwaves, electric garage doors, or Bluetooth devices because they use a different wavelength and provide better network speed.

But, the 5 GHz frequency has a smaller coverage area and broader wavelengths that might fade in other rooms. The wavelengths of this frequency may see the walls as an obstacle for WiFi in rooms far from the router.

Read More: What WiFi Extenders Work With AT&T?

How many users will use the WiFi

This is an important thing when deciding which WiFi frequency to choose. If you need to opt for one frequency, try to choose the one that will meet the needs of all users who will connect to that network.

So, we are talking about congestion of the WiFi network. The 2.4 GHz network is exposed to congestion more than the 5 GHz one. The 2.4 GHz frequency overcrowds because other devices, not just WiFi, use this network.

Most devices present in almost all households, like microwave ovens, garage doors, cordless phones, etc., work with a 2.4 GHz frequency. When numerous devices connect to this network, it gets overcrowded, and the users would not have a steady and speedy WiFi connection.

Conversely, the 5 GHz frequency is not exposed to overcrowding because it is made to provide a steady and speedy WiFi connection, no matter how many users are connected to it. This is because the 5 GHz frequency has 23 free working radio channels.

The more free radio channels, the steadier and faster WiFi you will have.


Ultimately, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the WiFi. If you need it for office work, like web research and emailing, it is better to choose the 2.4 GHz band. This frequency will provide a longer and better range to all devices.

But, if you need a band to watch movies or play games without network interruption and overcrowding, the 5 GHz band is the one you need. This band will give you a much steadier connection and a faster network.

If you need WiFi for both working and gaming, it is best to choose a dual-band WiFi router and switch the frequencies based on your network needs.

Also Read: How to Control Devices Connected to Your WiFi

How many users will use the WiFi


If you are wondering which is better 2.4 GHz or 5GHz band, you should determine your WiFi purpose first. Also, consider the size of your home and the number of WiFi users. They might also play a role in deciding which band to choose. 

Both frequencies are good for certain things and have a few drawbacks.

So, if you can not decide which one you need or think you need both of them, it’s best to get a WiFi router with two bands. Switch to 2.4 GHz for a larger coverage area, or turn the 5 GHz on when needing a speedy network for a movie night.

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